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케일라-I Need You [뮤비/가사]


케일라-I Need You

케일라-I Need You 바로듣기

케일라-I Need You 가사

it seems unreal how perfect you can be
it almost feels like a dream
sometimes i feel like I’m not good enough
i’ve got too many problems to be solved
i tell myself that i don’t measure up but
u keep reminding me that I’m enough

I’m sorry I’m not strong enough to
take care of myself
I can’t do anything without your help
you always tell me that
i am loved and protected
will you always be there for me

케일라-I Need You

케일라의 네번째 싱글 ‘I Need You’가 전 온라인 음원 사이트에 발매 되었습니다.

안녕하세요 케일라입니다. ‘I Need You’를 11월에 발매하게 되었습니다. 힘든 시기를 보내고있는 이들에게 희망과 위로를 주고싶은 마음을 담은 곡입니다.

I hope this song warms your heart

much love, Kayla(케일라)

케일라-I Need You [뮤비/가사]
